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Pablo encuentra un tesoro

Pablo encuentra un tesoro

Interest Age: 6–9
Grade: 1–4
Reading Age: 6–9
Paperback (Picture book) : 9781773210742, 32 pages, September 2018 , 10.88" x 8.38"


Pablo y su hermana pasan todos los días en "La Montaña del Tesoro", el basurero local. Allí, hurgan entre los montículos de basura en busca de artículos que su madre pueda vender para proporcionar alimentos a la familia. De vez en cuando, encuentran un "verdadero" tesoro, como un alimento aún comestible o un libro ilustrado, que a Pablo le encanta aunque no sepa leer. El trabajo es agotador, y en ocasiones no es muy lucrativo, pero lo peor que deben enfrentar es a Cara-Sucia, un bravucón brutal que se roba los hallazgos de todos los niños. Pero un día, Pablo descubre un verdadero tesoro. ¿Podrá evitar que caiga en manos de Cara-Sucia? 

Escrito de manera sencilla con ilustraciones muy elocuentes, este libro nos presenta la realidad de la pobreza en todo el mundo. 

Pablo and his sister spend every day at "Treasure Mountain," the local dump. There, they rummage through the mounds of garbage looking for items that their mother can sell in order to provide food for the family. Occasionally, they find a "real" treasure like some still-edible food, or a picture book, which Pablo delights in, even though he can't read. The work is exhausting, and sometimes not very lucrative, but the worst thing they have to contend with is Filthy-Face, a brutish bully who steals the finds of all the children. But one day, Pablo discovers a real treasure. Will he be able to keep it from falling into the hands of Filthy-Face? 

Simply written with highly expressive illustrations, this book brings home the reality of poverty around the world.


  • Joint winner, Bank Street’s Best Spanish Language Children’s Book List 2019


“Provide[s] an excellent opportunity for educators to introduce a conversation about poverty and power and the connection to their own lives; and about child labor and children’s rights. At higher grade levels, Pablo encuentra un tesoro and Pablo Finds a Treasure are invaluable in extended conversations about the roots of power and how it can build or destroy entire communities and even governments; and about community, national, and world movements to redirect power for the benefit of everyone. Pablo encuentra un tesoro and Pablo Finds a Treasure are treasures. Both are highly, highly recommended.” 

- De Colores Reviews, 12/31/19